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Version 3.1.4

Update to JMARS 3.1.4

Version 3.1.4 has been released for JMARS. This release has several new LROC (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera) maps that have been added to the Luna body.

There have been several maps added to the Luna body. To check out the new maps after you update:
- Click "Add new Layer"
- Under the "Select Category" drop down list click "LROC Maps"
- Then select either "Global" or "Instrument" to browse the new maps!

Don't want you tool-tips to show anymore? Take them off:
- To turn the tool-tips on and off you can now right click any layer in your layer manager and turn them on and off

To Update from JMARS:
- In JMARS, locate the "Options" tab at the top of the screen, click it
- Click "Check for Updates"

Release Date: 
Thu, 2014-06-19

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